Mind the Moment

Coaching for Life and Health

I am a certified integrative wellness coach, drawn to skills learned in Focusing and Internal Family Systems to foster connection within and between us.

Coaching for Life

Our challenges and problems touch all the dimensions of life: physical health, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well-being. What stands between you and happiness? We can explore what will increase your life satisfaction, and how that will impact everything else. You can plan and act to make it happen!

Coaching for Health

You can experience a sense of wellness even in the presence of physical challenges. What do you think would enhance your health? We can collaborate to identify an evidence-based lifestyle that meets the recommendations of your healthcare providers -- and one that you're motivated to maintain.

At present, coaching sessions can take place online via Zoom videoconferencing. To schedule an appointment, call 609-675-0720 or email julie@mindthemoment.org.